Wednesday/Thursday 26th/27th - A bit more heavy metal

 This is for day 1 of a 2 day blog, both days busy as usual. It can be a challenge getting to see all teams, especially when you have a lot to do ...... here goes.

I have said before 1675 the carriage which keeps giving, Steve is removing what will be redundant chassis mounted equipment ...... obviously very happy in his work.

You need help? Along come four willing volunteers.

At last a slight improvement in the weather, so Dave H took advantage and carried on with the tidying up of the overworked S&T workshop.

We have had some challenges with 1675, from a previous life it has had repairs done and because of this we have had panel problems. Gerry found a way to get things parallel, yes the piece of wood wedged against the wall`, a tack weld and we now have a straight edge to work with.

Meanwhile inside Phil carries on with the new cable installation.

Simon as always ..... busy.

Geoff is also busy ...... not sure what but it looks precision.

Rex is altering a door frame, we found the radius did not match the door ...... its not finished but we now know it matches.

Down in the barn an axle was resisting attempts to remove it ..... guess who won?

 Its great to have Bryan back, he is applying his magic to a window frame ..... the holding frame is a great success.

 Whenever possible we like to have lunch outside, its usually peaceful but P way had some urgent work.

As promised some heavy metal ...... The well known TV stars were with us this afternoon, transporting our LMS brake van to a local steam fair .......

Its quite tricky reversing all the way out of our yard, but these guys know their job.

On our way home we passed them just before Toddington, Gerry was driving.

That was Wednesday ........

And so to Thursday  'They said it could not be done'  Stuart took it as a challenge, to remove a carriage from the main rake, change the brake cylinder, test and return to the rake.

Here it comes ......

John H and Stuart up and at 'em .....

It is a squeeze in there ...... but the job was completed, tested and returned to service and ready for a busy w/end.

Taking advantage of it not raining ...... Chris and Steve making some adjustments.

Alan and Roger doing some running repairs to SK 24949 in the third rake ...... Toilets come in handy for all sorts of things.

Just checking the door radius before welding the new frame into place.

Tool van 4, Alex is varnishing one of the cleaned up window frames.

And cleaning grooves on the south end .......

Dave is cleaning off dust etc, before painting.

There are many other jobs to do within ...... a new tool tray for use on a scaffold tower, it saves much climbing up and down.

Lastly an opportunity to weld in another new panel, it seems endless but we are getting there.

The photos are a mix from myself, Gerry and Dave.


  1. Simply brilliant to all concerned.

  2. I echo that; absolutely brilliant !
    Regards, Paul.


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