Monday 4th - Change Sides

 The rakes had been changed over this week, so rake 2 got the Malvern side washed and rake 1 the Cotswold. Here you see Tim, David and Mark at work. Hiding down the end is Team Leader John.

This was a dangerous place to take our break, with Tim, John, David and Nigel. Some pigeons have nested under the canopy and we were in "bomb alley" as they continually flew back and forth - often at waist height!

Also in today were Mark, Paul, Greg and of course your blogger.

The next challenge for washing is to get the north end carriages on to the platform, and then to get them again but swapping platforms. You have to stand by a carriage at rail level to realise just how high they are. Anybody out there 8ft tall?


  1. Pigeons are a menace - flying rats! You need to invest in some bird spikes under the canopy to deter them.


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