Christmas Eve - The hardy few

 Well, a mixture of hardy souls and those who had either been told or decided of their own accord to get out of the way of Christmas preparations at home!

Robert had a good day on the Mica, this door frame on the Cotswold side is definitely right now, so all the planks can be screwed on. We're still cogitating the adjacent frame.

I forgot to get a picture of Phil, but he and I worked on continuing lining out the FK. 

Pam had a day of doors, second top-coating the corridor end doors before moving onto undercoating/top coating various side doors

Dave carried on tidying up inside the FO in the yard, removing the large seat frames.

I caught Dave sorting out some doors for the RBr, he later did some painting on those end corridor doors too to use up the last of the tan colour paint got out for the FK before it went off.

A rather rusty Not To Be Moved board appeared on the painting trestles, Maurice took it into the workshop to strip it back to bare metal so we can repaint it.

He later on moved on to carrying on some initial surface prep work on 4798.

And that's it! Have a Merry Christmas folks, thanks for keeping up with all we do. The usual end of year round up is already being written, and probably a couple fo working days between now and then too.


  1. You are truly blessed with your team and working conditions. More of the same for '25 ๐Ÿ‘

  2. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year, you all do an absolutely marvellous job, I look forward to your weekly blog, as due to age and health reasons I am unable to attend in person, keep up the excellent work.

    1. Many thanks Alan for your kind comments!! Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you too...

  3. ๐ŸŽ„ An extra blog we did not expect, but all blogs are good blogs, thanks for this one. The FK's paintwork looks absolutely wonderful. A shining example indeed! Have a great Christmas and Happy New year and I hope Santa brings you all something you either want or can't do without๐ŸŽ. Look forward to when you all come back in.
    Regards, Paul


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