Monday 12th - There it was - gone!

 So back to Thursday 8th. 5 of the Monday cleaners on a wet day. Paul, one of our "outside" team, turned up with the kit really looking forward to cleaning rake 1 coach "A" - the one that gets stabled under the road bridge when at Toddington. Last week it was in platform 2, nicely on the platform. This week? Rake 1 on platform 1 and coach "A" nowhere to be seen! That's the snag with winter cleaning.

Meanwhile Kath was on RBr window frames, Steve on luggage racks, and Nigel more deep cleaning. For me it was "deja vue" - part 2 of checker plate cleaning. A conversation at tea break with Paul W was very productive for me - a set of proper kneeling pads appeared. Worked well!
