Thursday 14th - The usual mix

 It's Thursday again which means that Paul, Dennis, and the Indoor Gang are back in.

 "Hey, not this way, I'm getting soaked!!!" 

"That's better!". A nice picture of Paul and Dennis washing the Malvern side of the Maroon Rake.

RMB 1876 - the Maroon mini-buffet with some of the loose paint on the roof already scraped off by Bob M. - will be next in for a quick repaint as soon as the running season ends. And it will be quick as it has to be back out and in the rake for the new season.

Now on to the Indoor gang, with Alan making repairs to the Malvern side guards door on BSKD 34929.

The other two members of the gang, Roger and Geoff, are repairing the lazy tongs fitting inside the south end door on CK 16221.

Roger cleans up the base section of the door's back panel.

Wow, a bit of blue sky! Actually it cleared up quite a lot and became a very pleasant day. And for a change it was dry!

You off then Paul?! Somebody brought these in for display.

The undersides of Tuesday's planks (still don't know what these are for) are painted in Dark Grey undercoat by Maurice, ................

............ who having completed all the listed Tool Van tasks, then gave it a final clear out ready for it's return to the outside world the next day. The second Tank Wagon will take its place, and being shorter, the roller shutter to the Workshop can be brought back down.

Also making very good progress is SK 25488. Jeff spent some time paint snagging on the Malvern side. On the opposite side Phil J. added a second coat of varnish to the south half, upper section (sorry for no photo).

Gerry continued his work on the windows for RBr 1675, putting a new rubber seal around this main pane.

Returning later I was just in time to catch Gerry finishing the fitting of the pane on the Malvern side of the coach.

Still plenty to do with the electrical side. Richard II is working in the control box for the 24 volt system and making modifications to the panel to incorporate the emergency stops.

Richard I and Phil S. discussing some of the required installation.

Richard I fitting a connection box for this particular pigtail.

The new generator, now fitted to the sliding mechanism that was recently installed on the two heavy angle-iron sections.

While having our early cuppa, our Works Manager Stu handed Chris a drawing for a receptacle for 1675's water heater, and in the early afternoon here it is, with Chris adding the final screws. Think this will be appearing on the Paintshop trestles on Saturday.

Finally a pop into Upholstery to bolster the excellent photos taken by Gerry the day before. As we receive more spare rolls of moquette, the range of cushion patterns and colours ever expands. I like the bottom right one. There are quite a few stored away now.

The bags and glasses cases are very good too.

Arm rests without their clothes on!

These, in the making, are dressed in the lovely horsechestnut leaf design.

The Bournemouth Blue moquette ready cut for more arm rests for the Dean Forest Railway contract.

A stack of the MK2 seat backs, cushions and arm rests awaiting collection by the DFR.


  1. All coming along swimmingly. I wonder how many of the cushions, bags and glasses cases will find their destination as Christmas presents.
    In an earlier blog we were told that the other tank wagon was a water carrier and not milk. So what logos on the sides will it carry?
    Regards to all, Paul.

    1. Too many tank wagons Paul! The water tank is the 6 wheel one being done at Toddington in slow time, same pattern as a milk tank. Just some simple lettering denoting GWR, it's number, and loco dept.

      The tank wagon just entering the works at Winchcombe is the second of the two Creosote tanks we are doing. This previously had "milk" written on it but it was never a milk tank, it carried Creosote or oil or something like that. It is being returned to an original livery of white with a dark red band and red lettering, I'll pop a picture on Saturday's blog once I've written it!

      Thanks also for your previous comment on the NYMR SK! :-)


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