Monday 3rd - A Surprisingly Productive Day
Why surprising? Only 6 in but they were very busy!
This was the start of the day with Kath, Tim and Paul holding forth.
A discussion on the shambles Western Power have made closing the road from the Toddington Island to just short of the railway. Road completely closed, no traffic lights, no access to premises (at least on the signs) and NO DIVERSION SIGNS!!! The official way in is via Stanton or Didbrook, depending on which way you come. They are quite long diversions down narrow country lanes (HGVs?) so our visitors tomorrow will probably give up and go elsewhere. All for the new houses. At least Severn Trent put in traffic lights. With a full road closure useful diversion signs would need to be put quite a long way away. Due to end Friday.
But to business.
Richard and I went down to the DMU, as that is now in service, so here he is with the Ghostbuster. I used the GTech - the First Class carpet is the only thing that works on it. We did find some crushed biscuits and a few finger marks, so worth the trek.
I had half expected to see the DMU in Platform 2, but the maroon set was there. It needed new gas bottles and the changing team didn't fancy the walk up to the North siding with those heavy bottles. Good for weight lifting exercise!
So while Paul and Tim washed the outsides of both rakes Nigel and Kath cleaned inside, including toilets.
And you know how you can see something every week yet never notice? I suddenly realised that the internal sliding door handles in the coach above were covered in ground-in "patina". So a quick scrub with the scourer made a complete transformation (but need a toothbrush to get at it all!). Have to check the other carriages sometime.
Very well done lady and gentlemen.