Monday 19th - Yo Yo Numbers

 Last week just 4 for Carriage Cleaning (OK, I was one of the missing ones), this week there were 8.  And a nice sunny autumn day.  Is the Social Distancing OK?!

Monday can be a busy work day at Toddington.  Today Friends of Toddington were painting as well as gardening.  Book shop door (sorry Malcolm, no pic) and a white line in the centre of the driveway.  One of the unexpected consequences of meeting Covid one way systems on the platform has meant passengers leaving a train often meet cars coming down the drive for the next trip.  A longer term solution is in hand but for now the white line will help guidance.  Also the repaired pavement alongside the back of the station building is now finished so again that will help separate pedestrians and traffic.  



  1. Very well done you guys. The railway will keep going with such thinking in place.

  2. Is it an optical illusion as the white line appears to not be in the centre of the road? Also, will you be allowed to cross the white line in your vehicle to use the keypad to gain entry to the site?

    1. I think the line is off-set, presumably to give the volunteer room to stand at the side of the incoming car. Allowed or not, cars will pull across to use the keypad! This will only be when trains are not running, so no problem.


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