Weds 6th / Thurs 7th - Even the birds are busy!

Another double day with all the usual activities. Many thanks to Gerry for all of Wednesday's photos and for three on Thursday.



Apologies for some of the scant explanations, but not having taken these photos I have had to surmise some of what is taking place.

Beginning Wednesday with Laura and her wonderful bag making. Last Saturday she was busy making more spectacle cases. Both products are her idea and these are now beginning to sell, earning yet more much needed funds for the Railway.

Plenty of patterns from which to choose. They are beautifully made.

Jenny arrives with a very welcoming drink.

Moving out to the Barn and on board BCK 21272, David has cleaned another section of the luggage compartment and is now adding cream undercoat.

This has to be the north end of FK 13326 with Ben working on the Malvern side door/doorway.

The same doorway with a new sheet metal patch being positioned to the left to check the fit.

Simon measuring up another large sheet of ply. He has been doing an excellent job rebuilding the vestibules in 13326.

Chris is cleaning a window, which I would guess is from SO 4798.

 Now what is Phil about to do? Looks painful!

Another Workshop change. Rex uses the piller drill relocated from our north end tools and stores area. This initiative by Kevin has made space for another cupboard which will be needed for the storage of our electrical equipment.

In the Paintshop Rex paints MIO on the inside of the new box for the lithium battery cage.

Inside 1675's saloon Dave is continuing the fitting of the heating pipe backboards.

Also in the saloon Geoff and Colin are continuing the fitting out of the oak panelling and window framing.

Fitting out has of course extended into the serving counter area and corridor. Once the saloon area is completed, the oak can be varnished with 3-4 coats, which in turn will enable the ceiling sections to be painted.

The new generator under the Malvern side of 1675. When viewing this the next day, the cover was secured in place suggesting that this was job completed.

Rod was loading up a grease gun in preparation for greasing the door hinges on 1675.



Firstly two photos showing another hurdle jumped in the very successful story of the new boxes for 1675's new generator and the lithium batteries.

[Photo : Gerry]  One of the new batteries is test fitted in the internal cage of the lithium battery box.


[Photo : Gerry]

In 1675's pantry Richard I is working on the large skid.

More progress inside the servery and closet with Jeff completing as much of the undercoating as possible (the door side still has some woodworking to complete before that can be painted). Jeff then moved into the servery to work on the shelving, where I later went to continue the job.

Time to create another visible change - always good for general morale on a long running project. Martin began undercoating the central section of the Cotswold side of 1675.

He was later joined by Bob.

That's better! We still have the doors to do when all the work on them has been completed. We would have moved to the Malvern side, but the lower line tape still has to be put on.

Still work to do on the central and two south end doors on the Malvern side. Phil continues the tidying up with filling and sanding, and later priming the sides, including the backs which are to be painted in that part of the coach.

 Gerry works on the repaired supports for the south end toilet tank on FK 13326.

 {Photo : Gerry]

 The rebuilding in the south vestibule.

 Bob Mac repaints the repaired area of the roof at the north end of 13326.

We had 4 rolls of moquette arrive on Wednesday. Ian phoned me to say another 4 were due today. A call from Admin to say they had arrived, grab the trolley and off to Churchward House. One collected, three to go! 

Included in the delivery were the rolls of Snapdragon that we will be using for SO 4798 when it is converted to GWR First Class.

Martin's initial job for the morning was to give another coat of varnish to the mahogany gauge mounting disks destined for 3850, 2874 and "Dinmore Manor".  Just one side at a time because we want to make a good job of these.

Another extra job with Alex once more doing his magic on a board for Broadway. 5L tins of paint make good props - just the right height!

The 1100 tea break with not many in today and certainly not a typical Thursday attendance.

The House Martins were happily gathering mud - at one time there were anything up to a dozen whirling around and landing. We top up these puddles in the yard to keep a good source of mud for their nest building. Alan had his camera with him and I expect got a much better photo.

It was work as usual with the MICA van, which is certainly keen to extend its refurbishment time as more and more required repairs make themselves known.

The first main structural repair is made by Alex. The replacement wood support has been bolted on to the metal frame on the Malvern side of the van.

We were on the pink timetable with D6948 as the diesel running today.


  1. I'm very pleased to see that you seem to have finally 'turned the corner' with the rebuild of 1675 after all the trials and tribulations with the doors! I look forward to being able to ride in it once it is in service. I presume, that before it enters revenue-earning service, it will be given a 'dry run' or two to check that everything is up to the C&W Department's high standards, with the volunteers used as 'guinea pigs' to check that the bacon baps are up to standard.
    A Pettifer


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