Tuesday 19th - And the silence was deafening

Pad sanders to the left, pad sanders to the right, it was a noisy day in the Paintshop as we had a mass attack on SK 25488. Suddenly they would all stop, almost as if signalled to do so, and the ensuing silence as the saying goes was deafening.

However before we could really get going on that, it was back to removing the line tape and what a joy that turned out to be, as previously mentioned in Saturday's post. 

The trick was to hook up a bit with a Stanley blade scraper and then gently ease it away, and then hope you could keep the momentum going for as long as possible before it snapped.


Removing the tape left a sticky residue. Pam had a solvent which softened it, but then it was difficult clearing it completely as it smeared around the line, which needed more solvent, which ......so we gave up on that. The best solution was to scratch away with a Stanley blade and when almost removed apply the pad sander.

Stu had already got cracking with the sanding on the Cotswold side.

Later in the morning everything was on the go with Alan, Stu, Richard and Alex on the Cotswold side ......

............ and Phil, Pam and myself on the Malvern side.

An important job when I had a few moments was to remove the grab handles. It does make cleaning up and repainting much easier, especially when lining out. Thankfully all the bolts released without any problems. What you don't wnat to hear is the sound of the captive nut breaking loose and dropping down, which will mean having to get the back panel off.

In complete contrast to all the noise, Keith quietly got on with completing the repainting of the long acrow props. Also done were Dave H's compartment door bits for varnishing, and the little corner unit from SK 24949's toilet compartment which was cleaned up, restained and given a coat of varnish. 

Maurice worked on Tool Van 92, cleaning off more of the metalwork.

Next job, coat it all in red oxide.

Derek has now been given the go ahead to begin stripping out the south vestibule of FK 13326 in preparation for the structural repairs currently in progress at the north end.

A hastily snatched photo of progress at the end of the day.

For Ainsley is was back to the emergency door liners on RBr 1675.

Robert had been on School Evacuation Experience again, but was later back in the Works and assisted Ainsley with the opposite emergency door, again working on the liners.

Ainsley, those new overalls look far too clean!


  1. Why do you not paint the lines, as we do at Didcot and the SVR?

    1. We do paint them, it was the NYMR that used tape!


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