Monday 21st - Back To Plan A

 And this is why

The weed killing train came past at Tea Break (very considerate, I was able to get the photo!) with David, Nigel, Paul and Jane looking on. There is a third person behind the orange containers.

So this meant only rake 1 was available to clean. Here are Paul, Peter and Tim already at work, and David just turning up for duty. The rake was pulled down the platform so they were able to wash the Cotswold side of the northernmost carriage - first time for 5 weeks. Hard work!

Once again Rich was on Ghostbuster duty

With only one rake it was an opportunity to tackle something we don't normally have time for. In this case mop the checker plate floor in the buffet car. Not a vast improvement, but every little helps.



The team was completed by Mr & Mrs Blogger. Holiday season for several of our regulars.

Bank Holiday next week, so next clean is September 4th as the trains are in use on the Monday.


  1. Would diluted traffic film remover, as used for commercial vehicle cleaning, better clean up the checker plate, by leaving it for a while to eat into the ingrained dirt before washing off.


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