Saturday 21at - All hands to the pump

 Apologies if goods wagons aren't your thing, but inevitably they're featuring quite a lot at the moment here as it's my main pre-occupation! So starting with them...

There were a number of small issues with the Mink G that precluded it running, we've steadily worked through them. I think the last showstopper was a very precarious door locking bar - the timber it was screwed into was holding on by a thread. Robert kindly helped out with a fresh piece of wood and got it all solid and working:

On the Mink A, the dirty gang were underneath servicing the drawgear:

At some stage the cradle had dropped out of its runner and needed jacking back up.
It had obviously been like that for some time as the pins were rather worn:

I spent some time getting the North end ready for undercoating, initially with the wire wheel on the steel uprights before applying some red oxide:

Towards the end of the day we pushed it just inside the barn just in case it rains during the week - we can't afford rain to stop play on this one!

Progress on the Toad was also good, Maurice and Paul broke out the topcoat on the Malvern side:

Paul captured me paining the upper part of the interior in top coat cream:

Later on I too picked up the top coat grey, and did most of the Cotswold side:

Hopefully Tuesday should see everything into gloss.

At Toddington progress was also good, Mark captured Harry and Andy (after a morning driving P&O) painting the beer tank conflat:

By the end of the day all the brown had been done and about half of the underframe in black:

The Macaw also had the last of its gloss done, which allowed me to pop in on Sunday for a little bit of overtime to finish the signwriting:

Time to update the picture on the wagon list!

It wasn't all wagons though, the usual complement of upholstery members soldiered on with RBr chairs:

Ken was busy making lots of noise, I think he was cleaning up components from the RBr too:

The CK also saw plenty of focus, here Paul, Phil and Dennis were checking the water tanks and associated plumbing to see if it all held water:

Chris and Ben put another door on, always feels like a good step forward when that happens:

While Dave was on compartment panelling fitting:

We're never too busy to watch a train or two, P&O and Foremarke were out today and as they were facing different directions, every other crossover you got a smokebox first passing smokebox first:


  1. When you post wagon photos could you possibly say what diagram they are please, like the first photo of the Mink van with the Morton brakes will be post dia. V14/16.
    I’m enjoying the Toad photos, I’ve just added the hand rails to my G1 model but mine were 3D printed!

    1. Hi Dave, I confess diagram numbers don't tend to stick in my head as well and I think it tends to read better to just refer to wagons by their telegraphic code, but all the wagons on the railway have their diagram listed on the wagon list available here for easy look-up!

      But for the ones featured on this post, the Mink G is V22, the Mink A is V24 (as indeed is the recently completed one just beyond the Toad), the Toad is AA21, and the Macaw is J21. That's not to say any of them will be an identical match for something else allegedly of the same diagram, things got hacked about quite a bit over the years!

  2. Thanks Alex - well done you. Fascinating as always. Happydaze Jon


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