From a different perspective - in the theme of blue

A second set of photos from Graham in our Maintenance Team. 



As before Graham has taken most of these from a different perspective.This time with the added theme of blue.

So, once again, over to Graham.


While the Caley tank was south of the border in 2019 I managed to capture it at the Churnet Valley Railway and the GWSR. 

You’ve got to like that blue.


The Churnet Valley Railway - February 2019





 Mainly the Caley on the GWSR - May 2019


Even GWR locos look good in blue (taken through the carriage window so apologies for the picture quality).


While we are celebrating blue locos.


The Caley was due to be running a passenger shuttle between Winchcombe and Toddington (or was it Broadway, I forget), but it had a hot bearing or something, so it ended up doing some light freight moves at Winchcombe instead.


 Waiting in the yard siding at Winchcombe.


Thank you again Graham for a great set of photos. Yes, that blue really is something!


  1. Hi - I posted something about this on some of the other blogs a little while ago, not sure if anyone saw it in the end. But I though I should tell you in case you hadn't seen this - it's now been confirmed that pieces of a meterorite that was caught on camera as it came down landed in the Winchcombe area. Might be worth looking out for more on the GWSR as it would probably stand out from the ballast (especially if there's been no steam engines through for months!.


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