Tuesday 16th - More bang bang bang

A mixed and somewhat humid day from the weather point of view, wet at times but thankfully not as bad as on Monday.

The Wagon team busy inserting the new planks at the south end of the MICA van. Lots of bang bang bang as Maurice uses a wooden mallet to force the plank along the groove of the upper one. These need to fit as tight as possible.

Alex attaches the Cotswold side corner section.

A different type of noise as Ian cleans up the many parts taken off the Open C wagon.

During the day trestle jobs continually built up. We already had the bench planks to paint. The area gradually saw more and more stuff arrive, mainly of course Open C bits  All this kept Maurice and Keith very busy.

A shot at the end of the day. The bench planks had been undercoated, the door hinges for the MICA van also undercoated, and the many parts from the Open C wagon in the various stages, with green primer, undercoat Dark Grey, and GW Grey top coat.

Derek managed to avoid the rain and tackle more of the plank repairs on the Monster van.

On now to RBr 1675 where Roger is top coating another window on the Malvern side of the coach. The little brush makes getting into all those nooks and crannies so much easier and produces a better job.

With ladder tightly secured Bob paints on the second coat of Flint Grey. It's good to get the second coat on while the roof  of 1675 is dust free, having not long received the first coat.

Having completed the top coating in the tight confines of the servery, Pam is now inside the tiny electrical compartment, painting on wood primer. As she often says, being little does have its advantages.

Robert carefully trims the large piece of plyboard ready for the corridor.

The corridor viewed from the counter. In the background Chris is preparing the support battens ready for the plyboard.

There was a lot of bang bang bang from here as well during the day.

The corridor from the south end.

At the end of the day looking towards the south end. Looks like the beading will soon be going on.

We did have some hefty showers ........

....... but thankfully the nice weather gradually won. With P&O on the northbound train in Platform 2, 2807 pulls in as our lady signalman waits to exchange tokens.

The luggage compartment and corridor in BCK 21272 have been transformed with all the repainting done by Dave H. and Bob K. Dave is not far off completing the job. The guards compartment and middle vestibule ceiling will also be done.

[Photo : Alex]  Alex catches me cleaning up the escape ladder from 21272's luggage compartment. I will get this job done eventually.
