Monday 8th - All In A Good Cause!

 This was Saturday - I'll explain later!

So today was a routine Monday clean, with another good turnout - David, Jane, John, Kath, Nick, Nigel, Peter, Rich, Roger C, Steve, Tim, Val and yours truly were your team today.

This week we had arranged for the rakes to be moved down so we could wash the outside of the north end carriages.

Peter, Tim and David doing those. Inside it was Kath in "Mary"

as well as most of the rest of the team. As 2 of the inside team were on holiday I did a turn inside for a change. The tables in the 4-bay seats in Mary are very big - a challenge for us oldies to get around!

But of course what we really come for is 

So back to Saturday. Along with Sue and Phil P. we staff the Teddy Bear Thursdays, starting on July 25th. So Saturday it was time to check them out after a year's hibernation. Most are in sacks and were OK, but "Derek" is so big he was out on his own, and had suffered just a tiny bit of mould from the very wet winter we had. So Phil and Sue took him home for a clean-up. Sue and Kath carried him all the way from the waiting room on platform 2 in tandem to the car park - caused a few smiles!

Here he is, with his friends in the sacks, before being removed.

So make a date - July 25th, August 1st and 8th. Derek doesn't want a clean for nothing!
