Saturday 6th - Cutting wood

 Another good day with plenty achieved, starting off with the plywood van.

Steven was in to cut all the new plywood necessary, first up lots of measurements.

Then find a clear workbench in the woodwork shop to cut everything to size.

Now for lots of painting! Maurice got going with the primer.

Also in the woodwork shop, Robert and Dave were to be found making various bits of trim for the inside the RBr. Ben decided he also needed to be in on this!

New volunteer Marcus was also getting stuck into various bits and pieces inside.

While Dave managed to work around folk and carry on filling screw heads in the South vestibule.

We've suddenly realised that we really need to get on and fit the radiators to the RBr as it's holding up further panelling progress, but first they need to be serviced, Ken and Stuart were on the case.

Today's discovery was the adjustment; that long tube that goes the full length of the radiator. Adjustment is at one end but the valve is at the other.

Kevin got the job of cleaning up the long radiators.

Plenty was going on with the FK too, a door came off, not entirely sure why.

Simon was doing well with the internal battening for the North end.

Later on Robert was tapping in preparation for the door liner.

It was a very windy day but mostly pleasant, a gallery formed waiting for the next train...

And here it comes, P&O with a train well loaded.

Alan was here there and everywhere today, various welding bits on the RBr, FK, and when I finally got my camera out, shaping the new piece of plate for the bottom of the SO here.

Before it's fitted what's left needed a good clean up and de-rust, Dave did the honours and will get some paint on this on Tuesday.

Ben also found time to remove the door lock on the pillar at this end as it wasn't quite seated right.

After Phil had replaced some of the plumbing on 5023 to try and sort the leak, Paul and Dennis filled the tank up again to check. I assume it was successful as the coach was taken out and replaced with the next in need of attention, SK 24949, by the end of the day.

The dirty gang had various bits and pieces to do, Andy gave the cleaned up vacuum cylinder a coat of primer by Andy.

And the buckeye couplers were fitted to the RBr.

One missing member today was Andy, explained when we spotted him second-manning the 37 on the last round trip of the day, us few remaining gave him a wave as he went past.


  1. The long heater control is an Invar rod that does not expand as the radiator expands and so cuts the steam supply as the selected temperature is reached. One week of my apprenticeship was stripping, cleaning, re-assembling then testing them.



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