Saturday 1st - Everybody out, everybody in

 Another busy day where I simply didn't get around to capturing everyone's activities, barely even mine! So apologies for that.

Today was the day for the high wire inspection which was my main excuse for being busy, as I was arm waver to move everything out it was a bit tricky to get photos too. I couldn't resist one of the Mogo out in the daylight, from this angle it looks almost finished:

With the works empty the cherry picker drove in from the barn then worked its way back out:

Each joint as to be checked for any sign of fraying:

All was signed off as good for another year.

In the meantime the customary great tidy up, with an empty works, a good opportunity to clean out the tracks which tend to get absolutely filled up with dust and detritus:

Enough time to watch a train go past:

And then everything gets put back again, except in a slightly different order:

Martin continues the filling and sanding on the maroon FK, now in the barn.

The Mogo returned to its position in the workshop, and Paul spotted a bit of welding repaired that needed grinding down smooth that only showed after paint had been applied:

Meanwhile Maurice continued underframe painting:

Robert and I spent quite some time head-scratching over the door locking bars and how to engage them, but we eventually found the solution staring us in the face with the Mink A from last year being brought into the barn:

That's a better idea than having to cut into the plywood for the locking bar holders, so we'll do that again.

After solving that particular conundrum, Robert moved onto RBr doors:

Simon in the background trying to disassociate himself with anything RBr door-wise! :-)

With the RBr back in place Ken was back on assembling the corridor connection.

It was the first day of purple timetable today, and that meant a diesel out for the last round trip:

It was good to see our own Andy in the cab second manning, on the green 37 which had been out of action for quite some time.

Passing Foremarke Hall, the other steam loco out today:

Speaking of Foremarke, it's going to get a change of identity for a special occasion soon, and so I set Pam onto the kit of parts for the job, tackling the cab-side number plates first:

A very nice job, name plates next!


  1. 6999 was one of Canton's favourite Mod Halls - regarded as a strong engine and often used on Castle turns in South Wales


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