Tuesday 27th - Just the three of us

The final week of the year kicked off with a very small attendance, with just Pam, Paul and myself. Phil S., Paul W. and his son Chris were enjoying a day on the trains and popped in to the Works. Last Saturday had been a day off, so this was the first session since last Thursday and to sum up it was painting and varnishing.

For Pam it was back to her sign boards and extra cream top coat on the lettering and parts of the frames on the most recent three. The first three will be similarly treated the next time she is in. They will then be ready for mounting. Robert will be making a proper easel for her, but for now the converted trestle has been very useful.

The two newly made doors for the Malvern side of the Vanfit were removed and the back given a coat of primer by Paul. 

All remaining work was done on CK 16221 by yours truly, beginning with a repaint of the Cotswold side south door and adjacent upper panel where the varnishing hadn't come out too well. 

With exclusive access to the coach this was an ideal time to do a lot more internal varnishing, beginning with another coat on all seven door backs.

 The Malvern side south door

 The Malvern side north end.

The Malvern side inner First Class door

The Cotswold side centre door.

 The corridor dividing door had somehow escaped a second varnishing.

The new access cupboard doors in the north vestibule had their third coat and now look much better.

The corridor heating surrounds, handrails, bottom parts of the window frames and a number of compartment door frames also received more varnish.

The weather was very mixed with rain and later gusty winds, but it didn't deter what looked to be a good number of passengers on the trains. Alex was guard on the southbound train.

4270, running her last few days before she disappears for her 10-yearly refurb, pulls strongly away on the train for Toddington and Broadway.
