Monday 27th - A Magnificent 10!

 Best turnout this year - 10 for Carriage Cleaning. Apologies for so few photos, but we are all beavering away all over the two rakes and only meet up at break times. As we tend now for each person/team to take a break at a convenient point in their cleaning cycle we still don't all gather at the same time! But here are Tim, Paul, John and Roger O enjoying their break.

With this many the Malvern side of rake 1 was washed and the Cotswold side of rake 2. The latter looks much better now that we have been able to clean it two consecutive weeks. Before that it had been five weeks between cleans and the windows were very dirty to say the least!

I had done my usual tour with the Ghostbuster and again because of the turnout I was able to mop a couple of coaches that had been victim to dirty boots. Greg also had time to clean some of the luggage racks. Jane, David, John and Nigel were also on interiors with Paul, Roger O, Phil and Tim on exteriors.

At the end here is Tim removing the kit back to the shed.

The full turnout today was : John, Roger O, Paul, Nigel, Greg, Phil, Jane, David, Tim and self. The team went home well pleased with the day's work.


  1. unsung heroes , all of you , we have the best fleet of HR coaches by far , or should i say carriages ? it's appreciated by visitors and us poor volunteers !


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