Saturday 25th - Diesel Gala Day

 A rather different blog from me on a Saturday. A small band of us gathered to meet any visitors to our workshops. It was a bit slow to start with, but as the number of trains went through an increasing number of inquisitive enthusiasts came to see what we do.

We had all the usual boards and finger posts out directing them through safe areas. Of course being a Saturday it was business as usual with much work happening around the 3 workshops.

Paul carried on with wire brushing and painting on the 'Queen Mary', even Henry was in on the act!

The original lamp brackets had been removed by 'Gas Axe'. The metalwork team will be making new ones and welding onto the bit that is left, when finished you won't see the join. A nice job for next Wednesday.

Fortunately Richard has been able to provide a living example of left and right hand brackets.

Over to the dirty gang, this brake cylinder was found to be faulty on one of the Dogfish. A tricky and awkward job but Tony, Ian and Andy sorted it.

Its a very tight fit, but in it must go.

George is making a superb job of rust and flaky paint removal on these water pipes, followed by the essential red oxide primer.

Pam divided her time with prepping mouldings for varnishing, and essentially trays of tea for everyone. Always a very important job.

Richard has put together a brilliant set of photos and information about the refurbishment of the 'Mink' A van. It is looking fantastic.

Of course it was 'Diesel Gala' Saturday, so we did get out there and wave to our visitors. A mixed day but nevertheless a very interesting day, it was good to talk to our enthusiasts who enjoyed a view of what we do in Carriage and Wagon.
