Saturday 28th - Too much of a good thing? Never!
Lots of activity today despite several on holiday or otherwise engaged. Once again 34929 was the main focus. Ainsley and Chris carried on with the seemingly never-ending door work. Ainsley is on one of the last door pillars, while Chris was fitting the lock on door 10:
Robert was the third member of the team out, but somehow I managed to miss him. Dave was also on doors, tidying up the rough edges of one with some sandpaper:
While on the end corridor door Dave and Steve were fettling:
In the workshop Ben and Kevin were sorting out vacuum cylinders and cleaning them up:
While Andy was servicing a DA valve taken off 'Tina', it not being required for its new static use in, I believe, Lyme Regis:
The Mink was moving forward too, Paul and Richard first had to make a few adjustments to square up the floor, before more Cotswold side planking rose up:
The upholstery team were out and about today with another batch of bits for 5042, but started off in their workshop:
24006 saw more progress, Robert was sanding the ceiling beading in the corridor, while Pam was given some more panels to varnish and bring out that lovely colour:
I did go out to take a photo of Paul and Dennis looking after the third rake, but I'm afraid I missed them as it was tea time, Dennis had gone and Paul was sat chatting with Derek who popped in to see what was happening:
I paced myself with bits and pieces here and there as it was day 5 of 6 on the railway for me what with one thing and another, finishing off with a whole day guarding on Sunday. P'way came in asking for a quick painting service with some extra TSR boards, and a couple of A-frame boards for Toddington in the background:
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