Wednesday 14th - Lots to do

 The day started with two boxes of tools I had been given, sadly the owner died a few years ago. His widow quite naturally was reluctant to part with them, but she wanted them to be used on something worthwhile. I assured her they would be used to great advantage. 

Three teams received various tools with gratitude, indeed the carpenters were amazed at the superior quality and assured me they will be put to good use. I am sure he would be delighted to see his kit being used on our Railway. 

Margaret ( his widow ) will hopefully be treated to a day on the Railway very soon.

The busiest I have seen the wood work shop for some time, door fit team and the carpentry team all extremely busy.

Trevor and Des putting the finishing touches to another door re-build.

Richard invited me to take this photo of him, he is cutting ready for the curved headers for the Mink roof.

Meanwhile Paul makes the coffee.

Further back in the workshop, Rex has completed a sharp edge protection frame for sheet steel stock. We have a number of safety precautions coming along, since the re-shaping of the work areas ..... but it all takes time. This has now been painted yellow all over by Dave (paintshop) .... thanks Dave!

Here he is adding more TLC to 16221.

Derek has just finished the panelling in 16221 south vestibule.

He has added a check strap to the access door.

Phil is refurbishing heaters, and Tony is sanding finishing strips.

Jenny stood behind the camera, but was keen to show her creation of ready to be fitted, headrest covers, arm rest and seat covers.

Our administrator  Eve, came out to find out what all the fuss was about.

The Dogfishes were still there so Gerry started the afternoon by preparing the areas to be welded.

I'm not sure who took this, but thats me wedged in thinking how do I get out!

We made an executive decision, that after this panel we would retreat until next time.

Thanks to Rex and Gerry for the pics.


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