Monday 20th - 299 All Out

 No, that that lot Down Under! Number of carriage sides washed for this year. Today was our last Carriage Clean until March with 7 volunteers attending.

Paul and Roger O started with the washing of rake 1.

Greg and Nigel P were inside this set and John, Kath and myself were inside rake 2.

After that it was time for a Team Photo and a mince pie. L to R, Kath, John, Nigel P, Paul, Greg and Roger O. Blogger hidden behind the camera!

As you will see elsewhere Covid has struck again so there are no post Christmas trains for the second year running. Hopefully it will not impact the many infrastructure works due to take place before services resume on March 5th (fingers crossed). Keep an eye on the various blog pages to see progress.

Thank you for reading the blog. I know the photos repeat, but that's the nature of what we do! Season's Greetings. Will 2022 be a "Normal" year?


  1. Keeps it going. I love to hear what going on in my home town and favourite railway
    South Africa

  2. Season's greetings to all you guys and gals.

  3. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    Seasonal regards, Paul.

  4. Merry Christmas all. Keep up the great work (and blogs) in 2022.


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