Friday 30th - Maintenance
The usual suspects back at Toddington again this week.
PCA (Personal Communication Alarm) checks on both rakes. These are checked to make sure that a good tug of the chain inside the carriage successfully lifts the vacuum valve seal at the end of the carriage. The chain goes the length of the carriage and there are multiple points it can be pulled. We use the point furthest from the valve to make sure the chain is free and moves along its whole length.
On the end of the carriage where the valve is situated is an indicator tab painted red to help make it more visible to the train staff….although it sometimes needs a bit of a clean to help make the red show up better…
Normally the tabs all sit horizontal, but when the chain is pulled it rotates rodding attached to the end of the carriage and the tab for the carriage where the chain was pulled is rotated to the vertical. The guard can then quickly find who pulled the chain and ask them why they shouldn’t cough up £200…or whatever happens to be printed on the notice above the slack bit of chain inside the carriage (the notices are vintage too!).
The rotating rodding at the end of the carriage lifts a vacuum valve…
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