
Monday 30th - A Very Odd Day

 The first oddity was a normal trip down the road from Broadway until we got to Little Buckland. Road closed, no diversion signs! After an unguided tour around the very narrow country lanes we ended up back on the road to Toddington. Several of us met this problem. It was a fallen tree at Laverton Meadow. Being cleared as we came home.

The second oddity was this.

As he was Ghostbusting train 1 Rich came across this. On first inspection it is a typewritten note in German, with a date of 31 August 1944. The stamp, again in German, says 6 Sep 1944. So is it really from Germany, and how did it end up in a railway carriage constructed about 16 years later? No doubt someone out there can translate bits of it.

Just the routine photos

Rich and Nick

Paul, Peter and Tim

And "Stevie". No idea what this team were up to.

The rest of the team today was Greg, John M, John S, Kath, Lynn, Paul, Peter, Roger C, Tim, Val and self.

At least 5 of these will be missing next week so the rest of us will be busy!

Saturday 28th - Catching up

This is really a joint effort by Alex and myself. Alex had already taken 11 photos but being a bit more able to get about during the day I offered to do today's blog post. Alex was also attending the Young Engineers Event at Toddington during Sunday so would be out for much of the day.

Apologies for no Tuesday or Thursday posts as I was unable to get in. As with the rest of the week attendances were reported low on both days.

So on to today's events with plenty of photos to make up for the gaps.

Catching up with a Tuesday job where Keith was able to complete the repainting of the cupboard from Ross-on-Wye signalbox. This is now ready to go to Broadway signalbox.

One of our most useful items when painting lower coach panels, and in particular when lining out, is a low platform that had been made in-house many years ago. Keith had used this as protection for the signalbox cupboard after he had finished painting. Being awkward to carry Simon kindly helped me take it back to the Paintshop. 

"Simon, we could do with another one of these, if you have any free time, would you be able to make another one?".

[Photo : Alex]  Simon immediately got cracking and has done a really brilliant job to build a very substantial platform. So, a very hearty thank you Simon from the Painting Team.

[Photo : Alex]  Robert sets up the router to construct the bottom cills for SO 4798, the SO/FO  conversion. This is the first to be made of twelve he and Chris will be making. It is quite a complicated process and took them five hours to do four. Stu, our Works Manager, was pleased.

More woodworking, this time by Dave sanding the edge strips from TK 24006's compartment doors. A number of these seem to have gone missing - hopefully not inadvertently disposed of !!

[Photo : Alex]

One of the compartment doors, the bottom sections of which were recently on the trestles being varnished.

The stamp underneath the support plate indicates that this particular door was originally assigned to BSK 35039.

Laura, today on her own, tackles one of the  Bluebell Railway seat backs from the new fourth contract.

One of the newly re-covered seats looking very smart.

Jenny is very much into her new role in Paul W's Works Cleaning Team and doing a great job in our Mess Room. Those seats positively gleam!

Several updates need to be made in the Blog's Meet The Teams section (my next job!), including our Works Cleaning Team. "Look up Jen - smile!".

An interesting extra job being done by Alan for PWay was making a new part for a point at Toddington.

[Photo : Alex]

The part under construction with the plan below.

Ben working SO 4798's doors.

[Photo : Alex] 

I guess this is another of 4798's doors.

[Photo : Alex]  More door work by Ainsley and Ben on FK 13326.

[Photo : Alex] 

Just in time to catch Dinmore Manor returning to Toddington. Dave waves a friendly greeting. We are continuing to get good numbers on our trains, which is good news.

I love watching the trains go round Chicken Curve.

We need to get SO 4790 finished. With just the southern half of the Cotswold side in its first coat of varnish, Alex and I got cracking. The north half of the Cotswold side was done by Alex and as this is a through route I put up the barrier.

[Photo : Alex]  I was captured beginning at the south end of the Malvern side. Alex later did the north half. Just the window centres to do to complete the first coat.

Painting inside RBr 1675 is coming along well.  Pam was back in the corridor and sanding some minor bits of filler.

She then moved to the electrical cupboard next to the south entrance to finish in there, initially lightly sanding the remaining old paintwork.

George worked on the north sliding door, adding a bit of filler where needed on the window. The back of the door was then undercoated.

[Photo : Alex]  Pam returned to the corridor and undercoated the remaining window and walls up to the serving counter area.

Finally the MICA van and more good progress. An initial discussion ........

....... and then on with the job. Paul cuts off the rusting bolts.

Later Alex was cutting out the hole for the Malvern side locking bar spindle.

[Photo : Alex]  Maurice filling the screwholes on the same side.


Sunday 29th

[Photo : Alex]   As mentioned at the start of the post, Alex attended the Young Engineers Event at Toddington, his role being in support of the Youth Group. He spent most of the day demonstrating the brakes on the Toad brakevan in the car park, which seemed to be appreciated by the visitors. There was a lot of interest shown, particularly in the Youth Group. Unfortunately he was unable take a photo of the C&W display in the tent. Those clouds look threatening, I reckon we were lucky to have a dry two days for the event.

Wednesday 25th - Inside or outside .... rain or not?'

 With recent weather it was difficult to plan what to do .....

Upholstery generally are not affected by extreme weather, and today we were visited by Tim Robbins from Torrington fabrics with dining chair seats and backs, from the Bluebell Railway. Laura is discussing with Tim what is required. 

This is the new moquette .....

Eve has made a start stripping the old seat covers.

These are some of the seats to be re-covered.

Withe the morning weather looking ok, John continued with rivet removal on the Open C Wagon prior to grit blasting. He stuck at it but by 2.00pm it started raining again, so that was game over for today.

Not so bad indoors, Rex had asked me to weld in place the captive nuts for the window frame surround.

On the opposite side, a lightning up of the retainers ..... Rex, Gerry and Bryan.

a bit more tidying up and its done.

The Mica van is getting some attention from Steve, he is cleaning the North end and making pieces to weld in.

1675 is getting attention from Simon, he is fitting curtain wires in the saloon.

Finally a visit to the doorfit team working on 4798, that's ben outside and Trevor inside .

Ainsley is working on 4790, measuring the latch plate on the North, Cotswold door.

Many thanks to Gerry for the photos.